ZoomyCat posted an update 3 days ago
My landlord said they were going to show up and did not today. I talked with the person she had planned to join her in the inspection. He seems like a decent person and wants to get to where she is fulfilling her duties and I’m not living under a slum lord. He thinks the things I’ve requested in the past are valid.
I told him there was a no…
Re-vegging worth it to keep a unicorn?
Yes, that was my point. What most call “Genetic Drift” isn’t.
Smokalottapotamus, backwoods_mountain_grower and marizema -
Re-vegging worth it to keep a unicorn?
So that you know, LemonHoko’s Blueberry is descended from DJ Short’s Blueberry going way, way back. That’s why I asked you if you had ever grown Lem’s Blueberry, or had a chance to speak to him.
Are you okay? Your responses seem more sharp than usual. 😁 I hope you don’t get the winter blues like I do. It’s no fun at all.
cannabee-72 and guppygirl -
Re-vegging worth it to keep a unicorn?
I really good the feels at the timestamp when he said this. 100% agree. Doesn’t have to be the best but I grew it and that is something special to me. It was nice to hear him say what I feel about growing.oldestschool - Load More