If you want to start a seed business and be 100% compliant, partnering with a licensed legal farm (in a locale that allows it) is pretty much the only way to do it. You’d have to be an employee of the farm, and your activities would have to stay within the laws and limits that apply for that business.
if you want to do large pheno hunts or…
Thanks man! They’re easy as pie too! I laugh my ass of at all of us freaking out about stigma, only to redirect it….🤣🤣🤣
I have a friend who grew the Titan and was impressed. It got big. Sweet and lemony.
BePennjier -
surfdad_grows posted an update 5 weeks ago
Not bad, ot bad. A little less than 24hrs that Cherry P bean cracked. Into the germ dome she goes. Tonight. 😁
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