Im a novice but I comparing the photos to my grow, and I was thinking you had maybe 4 weeks left and could supplement but not sure of it would benefit the final product.
Plants look good other than the early yellowing
Do you bump your daytime hours in the last 2 weeks?
How much time do you have left?
funkologist, casadelwhacko and arsixx
I wouldn’t worry about the leaves at that stage. Stay course and pull when you think the buds are ready
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The spores are in the room somewhere and they found that wound to survive.
Drying Temperature and Humidity
I don’t on the humidifier, but would recommend a few bucks on insulation for the shed too. That pays off in the long run.
I picked up an adjustable 4″ inline duct fan… Used a cardboard box to catch most of the heat and ducted it to the exhaust vent.
Got an extra 2° in my 10×10
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