• Profile photo of scottyreal

    scottyreal posted an update 5 weeks ago

    5 weeks ago (edited)

    Been having fun with the $40 microscope scoping trichomes!

    Kosmo513, HippieGranny and 21 others
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  • Profile photo of Cannasota

    Cannasota posted an update 5 weeks ago

    5 weeks ago (edited)

    What a sad sight to come home and see. Hoping she comes out of it but I think she might already be gone. Almost didn’t share because of embarrassment but I figured I might as well share the good times and the bad. It’s a part of learning to become a better grower! Not sure what direction to take with this plant. Any suggestions?

    tjrez, cuzmass and 6 others
    • What is going on with it? Is it just too wet? Or is it fungal or insect?

      Many people over look this for outdoors, but golf courses will literally run fans outside to get them through the fungal season…

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    • If your not seeing anything visible on the plant like bugs or fungus try some recharge or some microbes. 💚

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    • Did you give it anything recently? POSSIBLE nutrient issue as it looks to be working from the bottom upward. Hard to tell with just a photo, but that is my first guess.

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    • Give it some water 💦 it’ll come out of it

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  • Septoria has came ripping through the woods and into my outdoor grow. What do ya’ll recommend for treatment of septoria? They have just began to flower.

    frogslayer, pungolian and myokgarden
    • The only time i saw a lot of septoria on a trimming gig, the plants were stacked at about 90%, like they just dont care, but that was the late Freezeland…

      • You might be screwed in flower. Copper maybe but usually if I catch it early enough I’ll defoliate like almost 100 percent and let new leaves hopefully grow un affected. Sure it sets back the plant about a week or so but better than no plant at all…

        • It is a persistant soil born disease often specific to cannabis, some people will abandon a site after it gets serious, it probaly will be more and more apperant through the years… but i’m thinking that you can keep working that soil with loads of biologicaly activ stuff if that is not too demanding, also might help to skip a year, but keep…

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          • My girlfriend just asked; where is the guy you are giving so much time and advice to, and i’m like; well i dont have clue, but he’s growing bushcraft and that is so cool ’cause by now, we are a rare breed… so i just want to make a finnal comment, you maybe better off not replanting cannabis in that soil, thats what most people would…

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            • Take the best care of them that you can. And hopefully they can fight off disease. Or at least maintain. I’ve never dealt with that specific situation. Where are you?

            • For not baking since Highschool and only being my second batch of cookies in my life, first time with canna butter, I’d say they turned out pretty well! So potent lol

              TerpyTen, PuraVidaFarms and 6 others
            • My perpetual grow is rocking! All my friends are getting free weed for their birthdays lol! I’m harvesting 3 plants every 3 weeks and I need to start doing a little more consuming! Big Thanks to JR Tokin for the badass strains! OG #2, EmergenC & of corse Cherry Paloma hiding in back. Loving this production out of a 6×12 room with under 2K Watts…

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              durzoblint20, donkey-arm-nuggs and 39 others
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