• I love Ethos. Like clockwork. 2 days and here come the babies!!! The Great Balls of Fire is a little ahead. The Mandarin Zkittlez is just breaking ground. 🥰🥰🥰. I aborted the mac1 x Blue dream cross project. This is the replacement. Along with that beautiful UG on the left. I’m going to clone her because i absolutely ❤️❤️ that…

    sasquatchimo, Casadelwhacko and 4 others
  • Awwww yea! It’s all coming together! Just gotta paint the wall last wall and i can hang up the vinyls and pictures. It’s going to look awesome in that grow room.

    ohigrow, pungolian and wrath420
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  • Still going strong. 3rd flush of the blue oysters. This time i kept them cold so they should have some blue color.

    Chicken, Roland78 and 10 others
  • I’m watching a DGC vid and you guys are talking about supercropping. I don’t break the stems over, but I do pinch the stems between the nodes which fattens them up and stronger. Is that the same as supercropping?


    milkie and ohigrow
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    • Same difference. With supercropping you’re wanting to damage the internal of the plant structure and it will heal up stronger than before. Kyle Kushman has a good video on YouTube explaining it.

      • Yeah, I’ve watched his vids on that. I’d like for him to show me that technique in person so I can see exactly how he is doing it.

        • It’s not hard to do. I freaked out the first time I did it and broke some branches. Luckily electrical tape is awesome for repairs. Just don’t forget to remove it after a few days. I use both hands first finger and thumb, place them close together and twist gently in opposite directions until you feel the internal snap, then just move up the…

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          • OK, you convinced me. I’ll try on a clone. Are you grabbing a node in each hand and twisting the section between them?

            • Usually once they’re a foot tall there’s enough room to just grab stem. Go slow and get a feel for it. Once you do it’s super easy and I do it every week. I practiced on my first grow. I was “gifted” a mystery box of clones. Dude popped seeds labeled nothing then starved them. I brought them back and used supercropping to get them strong.

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