j-r-tokin posted an update 6 months ago
6 months ago (edited)
Mushpacolypse crushed it!
goodguycanna, herb_hermit and 8 others-
That’s pretty cool
What does your media consist of? Not watering to run off is how you get salt build up which causes pH to swing out of range. Plants consume far more water than minerals. Salts form as minerals concentrate during dry backs. Proper run off insures excess minerals and salts get washed out between waterings. 10-20% run off is what you want…
pungolian -
The picture with the damaged leaves show an issue with your pH. When the pH swings quickly out of range leaves will deform, twist and form random brown splotches. This will typically lead to lockout and other nutrient deficiency symptoms appearing. Check the run off next feeding to get an idea of where the pH is at and go from there.
myokgarden and ohigrow -
j-r-tokin posted an update 6 months ago
Running it back for second time. Quite pleased with this one looking to get into some pbp crosses after this run of it. But man, awesome
cut!( day 39)
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