That’s all I’ve used. I was being cheap not wanting to buy another filter the first time. I have no idea how many times I’ll be able to do this but it’s working for now. Google says there’s a chance of releasing toxins and such that were stored in the carbon. When you blow the hot air through there is a smell. Maybe that’s what it is maybe… Read more
unclee -
Decided to……, is this scrogging or sea of green? I get em mixed lol Its 3 plants, and Im just spreading the canopy.
nelson, nvr2old and 3 others-
Scroggins sog is a bad of clones
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A screen of green (scrog) are large plant/s topped several times and spread out across a screen for support. A sea of green consists of many similar sized plants on a table un-topped.
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I take mine to the tub and spray them with water, inside and out. The internet says not to do this but it works for me. I’ve washed the one in my 2×4 4-5 times so far. Mostly because of my humidifier and hard water. The little holes in the filter get clogged with very fine powder, calcium I think. An air compressor or canned air might be enough… Read more
In my 2×4 I have a 4″ fan with a filter. It totally eliminates the smell. After 6 weeks or so I start smelling it, clean the filter and I’m good for another 6 weeks. That one is in my bedroom, my wife usually tells me when it’s time. 😂. Basically the same thing for my 10×10 except there are 2 4″ with filters. I would prefer 6″ in that one to… Read more
What’s your favorite way to know it’s time to harvest
Once you’ve seen a few truly finished plants you’ll know from across the room. A healthy plant’s calyx should swell to false seed pods as the trichomes are becoming milky white. They’ll go from sparkly clear trichomes to looking like sugar was dumped on them.
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