• So many of you may sympathise with me fromthe early days in theUS. I live in a country that is illegal, i havea veg tent witha100w led. I do clones and holdaplant in veg for a while. I also havea flowertent . Both are small80x80 cm tents. I have exhaust fans on both with theflower tentrunning fulltime. I have double carbon filters on the flower tent including a 100mm ac infinity carbon filter. My problem is the smell is still permeating into the two surrounding bedrooms including my daughters room, which is not ideal, im 5 weeks into flower and just lucky ilive in a big house. Getting caught is also not good. Is there a best temp for smell? As im in winter atm

      • I feel ya, sometimes I set up just a filter and fan in the room. It can be a little noisy but it does help. Also think about less gassy strains for future grows. The fruity smells don’t seem to travel as bad as skunk. Hope it helps

        • Is there an attic or crawl space you can vent into… or those automatic air fresheners that hang in a commercial restroom may do the trick an .. or a time tested can of Ozium..they make gel fresheners too

          • I still sympathize…not legal everywhere here across the pond. 🥲

            • I Run carbon filters in my tents and have almost no smell. The higher the temp the more you will smell the plants for sure. Also the quality of the filter absolutely matters and in my experience if there’s no negative pressure on the room or tent then the smell will get out no matter what kind of filter you have.

              • is it possible to put your two smaller tents into a larger tent like a 4×2? that way there is a bubble around them. it might help with smells coming through the vents and zippers and then feed air into the larger tend with a fan kind of like a mini lungroom but for smells, could also try adding a filter to both the intake and exhaust of the fan system but that will increase drag and costs. maybe there is an odor neutralizing device you can acquire or some kind of hepa filter idk I wish you luck

                • Carbon filters and genetic selection is how you keep smells down.