Is storing flower in my refrigerator a bad idea? 40- 50% humidity/50 degrees. My other option is normal room conditions 50-55% humidity/ 73 degrees.
Get a humidor or if you can afford it, a Cannatrol.
Gallon jars burped daily in closet lol that way you get to baby sit and snell bud farts all day lol
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Smell bud
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You can store your bud in the fridge as long as it’s sealed in a container. When taking it out of fridge, let it get close to room temp before opening or condensation will form on the bud in humid rooms.
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Both of those conditions you described will store bud really decent for 3 months, you’ll lose taste and slightly potency but will still be alright 6 to 9 months with those methods. After that it’s like smoking stale packing peanuts lol. For long term storage after cure I vacuum seal in jars and keep in a wine fridge at 60 degrees F.
@frogslayer facts