If you have central air you’ll be fine. Just vent it. Let the air inside circulate and just scrub the air if you really need to. Just keep your temps lower in your lung area.
Sasquatch -
A few minutes closer to planting some baby’s in the greenhouse!
3 -
I’m doing a pheno hunt starting today with seed germination!
wrath420 posted an update 2 days ago
Im going to Harvest My 2 John Lemon plants at 7:00 pm tonight! Then im going to Clean my 2×3 & 3×3 Tent inside with bleach and water and sanitize everything I use in my grow for a fresh start on the next round with my Autoflower plants that are in my 2×2 tent vegging now on day 10 so they have a little bit of a head start! Happy Growing Everyone!
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