• Made a few shirts for the fall wardrobe today! I think my neighbors might know what im up to… they all brought white shirts over and we got eipped while I worked.

    Pulled the Blueberry to trim this evening and just had to sample just a tad… Lemon/Candy/Fuel for days!! Cant wait for the cure!

    wrath420, dales_dankness and 6 others
    • This post makes me feel like I am on my way to a Greatful Dead show. Just need a few sheets of acid and a tank of nitrous. 🤣

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  • Does anyone else do this?

    I put it all in a Excel too…

    Casa Del Whacko State of the Grow


    4×4 – Canna A/B 🌻

    Humboldt Trainwreck x2🚂

    Flipped 8/9 🌻

    Harvest 10/4 – 10/11 🍂

    3×3 Canna A/B🌻

    Grape God🍇 flip 9/20 🌻

    Harvest 11/24🍂

    Flood – Canna A/B🌱

    RQS OG Kush ⛰️x2 >> up-pot 9/9

    RQS Spcl Kush #1 (Hash) 🌄 >> 3gal

    HG WeddingCake🍰 >> up-pot…

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    wrath420, dales_dankness and 2 others
    1 Comment
  • Reply to How much should I add ?

    40 L is about 10.5 gallons.

  • So when this little one popped out the ground, the shell was still stuck to her and I could not get it off. She finally pushed it off, but she is just the one little sprouting leaf. Do I let her keep growing or do I start over? Will she produce?

    • I’d give it a few days

      • It happens. It can survive if the apical growth is intact. Hard to tell so just wait a few days like freedizzgrows suggested.

        • I try to help remove the seed hull if needed. You just have to be VERY careful. Wait and give it a chance!

          • Early on in my experience, I got anxious and helped the shell and top of the plant off. Doh!

          • What’s up with this one?

            Got 3 different ethos strains going in the same media getting the same water but the one I was most excited about is starting to look like crap. They’re all growing in mother earth coco peat with Down to earth dry amendments, bio fish, crab meal, langbeinite and granular humic acid. Ballers Game and Colin OG are…

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            SurfDad_grows, GuppyGirl and CaptenKush
            • standingfox (edited)

              My guess is your amendments are enough for this plant for right now, until they burn off. In this case, I might dilute my nutritients to half strength (or just use water) keeping an eyes on the ph of the growing medium. After 1 to 2 weeks watch for color begin returning. Only a guess. No pride in authorship.

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            • Something is going on with the roots of that one. I see multiple signs they are hurting. From an out of range pH to possible pests chewing on them.

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