• Question for the DGC! Curious as to how long do you keep product around? Im so spoiled since i have become a full time grower that i find myself in a sort of a dilemma with extra poundage laying around,(mids) and I personally wont smoke it but do have a couple friends that do like it. (If its over 6 months old I turn my nose up at it). Never…

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    cbishkit, goodguycanna and 2 others
    • Give a best consumer award

      • Refrigeration is the only way to keep high quality flower for longer than 3 months in storage.

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      • I don’t have that kinda stash yet. But I won’t even buy more than a gram of flower anymore. Dispensaries have me spoiled. Especially here in Oklahoma. If you trip and fall in this state, you have about an 85% chance of standing up and finding yourself in 9 different dispensaries. Shit. Back in the day though. I would tell my best friend I had a…

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      • I like making green dragon tincture out of mine . I like to dkk on the long method were I let it soak in ethanol for about 90 days there is also a quicker process by warming it which can be done pretty quick.

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      • Laz

        I find myself giving shit away all the time but my best advice as I assume you’re going to do naturally is give it away selectively and strategically. Best wishes

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    • No pistils yet, ut expecting to see some good preflowers anytime now. Hope everyone has a great weekend! Heres another look at My little outdoor grow. Girls are pushing 7’ now, (Shineapple(dsc), and the little clone in the middle is The “damn catalina wine mixer” clone. All 3 are from my inside girls.




      cbishkit, myokgarden and 3 others
      • Looking good 👍

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      • I wish I could grow outdoors. I tried once and saw one of the tenants pouring bleach under the plant and a week later I look out my window and poof GONE. Not that I was gonna smoke it after I smelled the bleach.

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    • These are three of my clones that I got from Catapult at the DGC Cup this year. Apple Tartz #34, Skywalker OG, and Gary Payton (fruity pheno). Two are growing in straight Coco using A&B nutes. The other is in coco/perlite/dots/recharge. All are looking great thanks to the freebies and stellar advice I got at the cup!!!

      wrath420, Casadelwhacko and 13 others
      1 Comment
    • Check out my emergency

      a) Big Blue Marlin Bait

      b) offshore Teaser

      c) smoking and toking instrument

      Real grander lures for big game anglers around the world, not cheap but very unique and everyone is different.

      goodguycanna, JonnyDanko and 5 others
    • “Holly came from Miami, F.L.A.

      Hitch-hiked her way across the U.S.A.

      Plucked her eyebrows on the way

      Shaved her legs and then he was a she”

      Success!!! My first try at self pollinating using sts spray is a success! She has nuts! Now my question is what is going to be the best way to keep her/him from committing incest and screwing mom in the tent…

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      didigrowthat, lakeeriemonster and 7 others
      • Moms shouldn’t have any stigma to accept pollen. Some plants in veg can produce pre-flowers you can pollinate to get a couple seeds. There is no concern otherwise.

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