I just want to go over the terms so you’re clear on what you’re getting.
Auto and Photos are two sides of the same coin, You can have a semi-auto or fast flower but this simply goes into it being a mix of Auto and Photo that the genetics are not stabilized towards auto yet.
Feminized and Regular are the other two sides of the same coin.…
meechgrows276 -
From what I’ve heard in doing research in breeding… Fast Flower = Semi-Auto. Basically its an auto breed that the plants did not display auto traits but kept the Photo genotype traits of flowering. But they did gain traits from the Ruderalis that allow them to flower faster in photo.
So basically you’ve got seeds that were made to be Autos…
I’ve only grown autos so I can’t answer this. I just know its normal for me to accidentally knock pistils off or for those pistils to go orange before the rest of the plant.
Really with this plant unless you over stress and stunt the hell out of the plant… What doesn’t kill it makes it stronger. Bend the branch, it beefs up.
pastor_chris -
Especially on the calyx like that, These will form to be bud sites but are still small and sensitive. Very easy to disrupt and have fall off.
oldestschool -
The pistils are really sensitive, it happens. I would not worry about it.
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