Garbage genetics with no vigor is a double wammy. Autos flower based on time, not size.
backyard-boogie and meechgrows276 -
Doesn’t really matter. I always keep the same lights on time so their morning watering schedule never changes.
sunny posted an update 2 days ago
If you’re not snuggling naked with your dogs, I don’t know what’s wrong with you. Nothing better than tummy to tummy
Hash, kosmo513 and 3 others-
Tmi lol
1 -
🙄 That’s a bit odd 😂
First thing I do is raise the plants or lower the lights a little bit. You will find your sweet spot with seedlings through experience, so they do not become leggy. You can get away with burying them deeper however, keep in mind to keep the soil very fluffy. I like to personally get my soil wet first before transplanting. Not where it’s…
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