sunny posted an update 5 months ago
As I look over my healthy greenhouse, I realized I have gone almost entirely J.R.‘s cuts. I used to be all about dark heart nursery. But slowly I have found keepers with J.R. that I usually do not find it well that I never find in seeds. he knows I don’t like nonsense. I don’t know why more people that want to just simply have success…
no-nanners, myokgarden and 9 others-
My first grow has me lovin hawaïan lady’s eversince, twas Hawaïan Indica in Montreal, circa 1996, that was NL crossed with a Hawaïan sativa, i was in 10th grade and the mates at school had never seen da Pakalolo before… and i never got close to finding anything close…but then again…
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I couldn’t get thu it
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Yeah, not his cats.
The P lan ❤️✌️💙😹❤️💚
A good thing to remember Before, asking neighbors to turn off their lights, lights on is tied to safety for a lot of people. Honestly, if I was next-door and I felt that way about my safety maybe I’m single mom alone or something. I tell you to go fuck yourself. So if you’re curious why someone might think you’re a selfish jerk lol.…
krommm and ohigrow -
I started using black out plastic just to be safe about all light. We have a no lights Outside rule here, obviously also. But even I slip up with the light. So I just go pull the tarps every night. Keeps them a little warmer anyhow.
pete77, ohigrow and rsorganics -
Just saw your message!! AWESOME! You are gonna be hooked on the search. Its like where’s Waldo. They are fun to collect and raise. I get attached to a few. My minion got attached to this horn worm . Nothing in the world you can’t harness to be positive.
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