Every year I go to the Harvest Cup at the DCU Center in Worcester Mass. This year i is November 9th-10th. I am not sure if I am going to be able to make it this year, due to possible surgeries. but I would like to recommend this as a possible time to set up a meet up. Whether it is at the cup or at a place near by the evening of Nov. 9th. I…
myokgarden and pungolian -
If you’re in the LA area and want to catch up with us in person, we’ll be there early next month. It’s 21 and up. Leave any questions in the comments.
scotts-mn, danknuggardens and 9 others-
Bro nobody wants to come to New York City lololol
New York haha, it’s LA, not that anyone wants to go there either. There’s a bus bench infront of the building that usually got crackhead bums piled up on it.. carry your strap incase they want a piece. Also beware of our sidewalks, watch your step or you might step in human feces. Wear a glove opening the entry door I’ve seen them urinate on…
Those are lovely!!! I can’t believe how economical the seeds are!
- View 2 replies
Looking good bro!
This guide can help you learn to determine the sex of your plants.
Pre-Flower Identification – GrowersLove.com
Pre-Flower Identification – GrowersLove.com
lakeeriemonster, ohigrow and 2 others - Load More