• So I’ve been watering my plant with 1L every other day with very little to no run off. If i put the run off back in the soil, it doesnt come back out. so it made me think the water was not reaching all the soil. So today I watered it with 2.5L, and put the runoff back in the soil to basically fully saturate it. 20 minutes later I had .5L runoff. So should I start watering with 2L every other day? This is assuming I dont put runoff back in because I would rather not. I only did that to test saturation. The soil is basically sandy dirt (top soil)

      Will be using ProHP or coco from now on.

      • Don’t reuse your runoff. You were dry. Up your amounts each time, you may have to water everyday. I was dealing with them drinking like a fish and getting super dryback. I got a pack of blumat classics and it keeps my 3gal perfect and feed day I’ll do a 1/2 gal instead of a gallon and get a 1/4 cup runoff.

        • @SurfDad_grows Yeah i generally dont reuse the runoff. I only did it to measure exactly how much was going in vs going out. This ia my first grow and watering is very overbearing for me atm. “to much? to little? Is it often enough?” That’s what goes through my head lol. I had 4 plants that i started with, but the other 3, 2 died from overwatering, and 1 died from nute burn so those fears are pretty fresh. Thank you sir!

          • @PharocityFarms I’m finishing my 1st run, now finishing my 2nd and 3rd. I’ve only been at it almost a year. Learned alot. I was just like you are now. But as they got older was where I had the feed issues of getting bad dry back from how much they suck up so I found the easiest to keep my soil moist and be able to regular feed every other day not using as much or wasting as much. Look them up on YouTube and you’ll see how easy it is and takes away from the todo list. I was skeptical at first after the first week and getting the soil to moisture it got easier. My drytbacks caused a lot of issues for me because they were constantly Thursty.

        • How much water a plant needs is dependent on it’s root and bio-mass in relation to container size. Too many variables to ever water a standard amount. Water needs increase as the plant grows bigger. Big plants in small containers are easy to under-water while small plants in large containers are easy to over-water.

          • farmville (edited)

            I veg for a month and a half at most. At the end of my veg cycle my plants are using 1L to 1.5L every other day in 5 gallon pots. Then I flip. Everyday I check the water to see if I need to water by lifting pots. Then I water 1.5L as it stretches I will go to 2L. Sometimes I’ll still have to water everyday. One piece of advice I wish I followed earlier was just water when the plants need it and throw away a schedule. Scheduled watering decreased my yields. I kept getting small plants because I stuck to my schedule not the plant needs.