• Anyone else notice autos don’t require as much light intensity in flower if you run 18-24 hours of light due to DLI? Turned up my lights on my auto like I have in the past on photoperiods in flower and she ended up getting bad light burn. I’m assuming it’s because photoperiods flower under 12/12 so it’s harder to burn a photo rather than an auto that is under much more hours of light. Am I correct?

      captenkush and burny
      • You are correct about that DLI and the More Hours of light so they can reach their target DLI with a lower PPFD but I usually give mine around 777 ppfd across the canopy and they do great under 18-6 light cycle

        • she got light burn from 200 watts in flower when the lights where at 100 percent power under 24 lol

          • @cannasota I have fried them under my 100watt BloomSpect LED so yeah you can give them to much light and cook them leaves for sure!

            • @wrath420 figured I’d try 24/7 this round to achieve a higher DLI to compensate for the small lights I have. Out of my surprise, the plants didn’t need that much more light lol

        • Now that you mention it, it does kind of make sense that switching the light cycle even on autos would prevent burning and the Turps volumizing off🤔
