• So I was wondering if it’s too early for my (GDP regular seeds,) from RQS. To flower, I’m growing outside in a greenhouse.

      jmystro and goodguycanna
      • Same. Outside in a greenhouse in southern Oklahoma. Growing a few strains and I’ve only seen maybe the first hint of flower. You should be ok, but I’m far from an expert. First year grower.

      • Early July is when most outdoor plants start to transition in the US depending how far north you are. If you’re in a living or amended soil bone meal is beneficial for all stages of growth. Bone meal is not just for flowering plants. What else are you using for nutrition? The plant needs potash like I need sugar. A lot, all the time. In veg and flower. During flower, phosphate is needed in higher amounts than nitrogen. During veg, nitrogen is needed in higher amounts than phosphate. N and P ratios/concentrations basically flip from veg to flower while K is always high. Potash needs to always be highly available during veg and flower. Potash deficiency shows as yellowing just around the outer leaf blade edges.

        • @jmystro right on Jay maestro, thank you for the insight. It’s been a long time since I’ve put seeds in the ground 20 years now. Back in the day all it was a stick of seed in the ground and water it man. There’s all kinds of tricks of the trade now

          • @jmystro yeah I’m definitely organic all the way. I like the way it smells and tastes at the very end