• I was wondering how much to water my plants. I’ve been watering them about 2 and 1/2 gallons in the morning and 2 and 1/2 gallons at night. So am I overwatering them or am I about right? I have fabric pots, a soil that I had made so it’s kind of drainable but it holds moisture at the same time

    SurfDad_grows, dank-of-scotland and Hannabis
    • Wow. That sounds like a lot, but I’m brand new, so I could easily be wrong. I water about 3 gallons (1.5 per plant) twice a week. This now makes me wonder if I am under watering!

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    • You have to understand. I’m in an outside greenhouse too so it gets really hot so it’s like 100° in there sometimes and lots of wind cuz I have fans and stuff going on

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    • Your plants have gotten pretty big in those pots. They’ll need to be watered fairly heavy until the last few weeks before harvest. Each plant will consume several gallons of water a day at this size. I wouldn’t change what you’re doing if they’re happy. Consistency is very important. Plants hate wide fluctuations with any variable.

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    • How many plants are you watering

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    • I have 3 plants in 20 gallon pots outside in AZ on my north facing wall with direct sunlight all day. I also water my plants twice a day at 3am & 3 pm. The 3am watering is just water and my second watering is with BuildABloom @ 2 gallons each.

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  • Here’s a few other pictures that I couldn’t post on my other post

  • Just an update on my granddaddy purple it’s 31 days in the flower

    darth_nater15, cheezybuda and 12 others
    1 Comment
  • Reply to Show me your grow!

    GDP regular seed planted on May 6th going into the thread week of flower and the hight 7 feet tall

    dank-of-scotland, farmville and 4 others
  • Beneficial mites and preying mantis for spider mites and pests when in flower any thoughts on this

    • For indoor grows, I think smoking beneficial mites and mantis shit would be just as bad as smoking spider mites and their shit… Just my thought. Unless you got a rain system set up on your tent than maybe let her buck?

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