I made the switch to grow dots. I want to grow next year some old school maui waui 1986 seeds i got coming from another grower. Its a 12 week finishing strain. Cant i use grow dots for it? Will it finish or need some extra food at the end? @scottyreal @jmystro
There is an “Extended “version of the dots just for that purpose
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Grow Dots say to add one tablespoon grow dots per gallon of soil. If I know a strain might need a little longer, I’ll use 1.5 tablespoons grow dots per gallon of soil. The extra isn’t too much that it will burn the plant, and it’s enough to keep it going until its end. Or next time, try the extended version.
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You can use Grow Dots to grow long flowering clones with no veg period. Extended release will only extend veg, not flower. Long flowering plants typically have long transition times. Grow Dots will work with 12+ week flowering plants as long as you don’t veg them. Seedlings will have a veg period before they’re sexually mature so you’d need…
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Blue dream by seedsman
casadelwhacko posted an update 2 days ago
2 days ago (edited)
Alright… Smoking question.
I’m old school. I smoke flower and sprinkle bubble on top occasionally. When I was younger dabbing wasn’t around so much and I’m not the least bit interested in solvents.
However… I get it. Much more pure and concentrated terps and high.
So I see a quartz bowl or “nail” is the thing. Or am I condused? It’ll take a…
Get a PuffCo like I have. Or, a Dr Dabber.
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Use my link below for $30 off your first Puffco Proxy, Peak Pro, Peak, or Plus. Hash is better with friends. Shop here: http://rwrd.io/yf8wfa1
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I also say PuffCo.
Stick with the green and dust caps. Don’t make my mistake. My neighbor moved in, started straight bubblehash w/ little green for screen. Started hitting dab rig and all these edibles. Freaking green doesn’t work anymore. No way I could clean up for 30 days to reset my tolerance. But I really need too 😩
Keep that glass @casadelwhacko . Portables are like practice amps, gets the job done, but a stack sounds so much better. Take a look at a universal enail with a head unit controlling the coil. If you go with a SIC(silicon carbide) deep dish, you can say goodbye to chazy bangers while savoring a broader dab tonality than quartz.
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