• I recently bought a new 4×4 tent. I have some negative pressure, my temps are 77-79. My humidity is 65-68%, I have 2 fans circulating the air and I can feel the exhaust fan pulling in fresh air. That being said my plants look droopy. I let the plants dry out just in case I over watered and then watered them but still droopy leaves. The light is within 2 feet of the plants and around 350 PPFD. I don’t see any deficiencies. The same plants looked happier in the old tent with identical environment. It’s been 3 days. What else should i look for? Or give it more time?

      enchantedgrowculture, pungolian and SeabassMidz
      • What kind of lights? If your running LED you’re too cold and your 74 degree leaf temp ain’t cutting it. I aim for a leaf temp of 78 to 80 so my LED tent is often running 84 or 85 degrees ambient air temp. Around mid flower I’ll start bringing the temps down. A cheap laser surface thermometer is how I get leaf temp.

        • @frogslayer the plants came from a tent with a AC Infinity led light and were placed into a AC Infinity tent with a Grand Master level Voyager LED light. The temps in both tents were identical but I will check the leaf surface temp. I appreciate the help!

      • Seems like you covering all your bases. What is your medium and food? With all the obvious issues addressed I would check the root health. Is the plant ready for a bigger pot? Do the roots look healthy. A picture would help if your able. My only other guess is the new tent is off gasing something in it’s material. What brand tent is it?

        • @Satori I’m using living soil. I have not transplanted yet as I don’t see the roots breaking through the holes at the bottom of the pot. It’s an AC Infinity 4×4. I was wondering if the different spectrum could cause this? Maybe introduce the plants slowly into their new home. Kinda harden them off.

          • @SirFappsAlot so the light in your new tent is different than the one in the other? That can definitely cause a reaction in my experience but something the plants adjust too in a few days. Whenever I put new clones under my LED light they will often need to adjust. Seems like every LED company has different ideas on spectrums and intensity.

        • Frogslayer I noticed his veg room tent temperature is a little cool also but if the plants liked the same condition in the other tent then why not now? I agree my veg plants like the tent at 84. That would be an easy fix for SirFappsAlot and definitely wouldn’t hurt anything do dial that temp in.
