• Is that you Ghostface? There’s also a chubby face redhead. xD

    offdaydontcall and ohigrow
  • Does anyone else use this EC pen from Apera, EC20? If so, how are you converting to PPM since it doesn’t specifically display PPM? I’m finding a ton of mixed answers on how to convert the readings.

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    • PacNW-Dan (edited)

      There are two scales used: multiply by 500 or by 700 (depending on where in the world you are, US typically uses 1EC = 500ppm). So EC 1.2 = 600ppm on that scale (840ppm on the 700 scale). Because of the two different scales, generally you should avoid thinking in PPMs and just use EC.

      • Why do you want to convert it? Reminds me of trying to convert C to F temps constantly in my head living in Canada. Really I just need to understand C….lol I relate more to PPM than EC also though

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      • PPM/TDS meters have a US or UK scale. US scale is 500 while UK scale is 700. Those scales are programed in to PPM/TDS meters based on EC. 50 ppm is 0.1 EC on US scale. 0.2 EC = 100 ppm, 1 EC = 500 ppm. 2 EC = 1000 ppm.

        • I knew about the 500 or 700 scale but this is the first time I’ve heard that it had to do with where on the planet you lived. This answers some other questions as well. Thank you

          • I use that same one for PH. I just have a simple cheap PPM/EC pen I use for the other.

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        • Off to the closet. It’s not 60/60 though, closer to 70/50. I’ve dried a handful in there already so it’ll work. Wet weight, everything hanging in the last couple pics, is over 15 ounces but that’s including the main stems and leaves. I do a heavier wet trim, enough to not have to dry trim much but I left more leaf this time. I’ve been…

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          undertaker110, RSorganics and 10 others
        • Oh yeah. when I get off work in the morning, your ass is coming down.

          Took these pics with the wifi microscope @scottyreal posted about the other day. Pretty cool little microscope for $29.99

          ohigrow, danknuggardens and 2 others
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        • As much as I wanna let her keep going for another week, she may come down at day 70 which would be tomorrow. Heat stress is really showing and making the leaves dry up and I don’t like it. I can’t raise my light anymore and TBH it probably needed to be at a higher intensity but it stays around 81F-82F as it is when lights are on. I have a…

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          badgarz, RF440 and 5 others
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