• Newbie here, I have 4 solo cups of Banner X Chocolope seedling and everyone is only producing 3 Leafs. I have read that stress can cause this. I had this guys in an AC Infinity seedling dome system with a heating mat and starting using a hand sprayer to mist them while in the seedling dome. The ACI system comes with those LED lights and as soon as they starting show growth I took them out and put them in my tent. But the seedlings showed the 3 leafs from very early. Notice the one on the left it has an odd leaf structure.

      For soil I am using foxfarm ocean forest and not nutrients and distilled water. Is it okay to keep going or should I start over? I welcome all suggestions.

      Thanks to the DGC for setting up an environment like this.

      danknuggardens, jmystro and badpapa
      • This can be genetic.

      • Patience. This is normal growth for a seedling. They started with the cotyledon leaves, then single serrated blades, then 3 blades (current status), 5 will form next, followed by 7, 9, etc. (with a possible even number here and there) until they gentically max out around 11-13 blades if left untopped. New side growth on branches will tend to start with 3-5 blades and increase from there. The number of leaf blades will increase on a stem as it grows until it’s maxed out or topped. The opposite occurs during flower. The plant will decrease the number of blades on new leaves during flower until single blades are sticking out of buds.

        • Thank you sir! I am excited lol

          • A mature, established plant producing 3 bladed leaves in veg is typically a sign that it’s been revegged. Revegged plants get retarded.

        • The seedling stage is the most difficult for me. Patience and very little watering. Good luck!