Have any breeders thought of...
…hm…it’s not the surplus of water but the lack of oxygen at the roots. as long as there is enough oxygen at the roots you can’t overwater. that’s why hydroponics work.
you can’t breed a strain that doesn’t need oxygen. usually plants (or animals) that need less oxygen have a slower metabolism and thus slower growth/less overall vigor.…
thejoe1212, felinegood865 and surfdad_grows -
Outdoor plant not flowering(outdoor in Oregon)
I’m running an older strawberry cough strain that takes over 3 weeks almost after switching to 12/12 before pistols start to show.
thejoe1212 -
I put a powdery organic crushed up shell and other stuff I don't know how to pronounce the name of it anyway I covered my plants with it top and under side of leav
It’s not going to harm you, I even drink a tablespoon of DE in some water if I have a stomach issue. I just usually use neem oil on the greenery, but never on the buds.
thejoe1212, krommm and scottyreal -
I put a powdery organic crushed up shell and other stuff I don't know how to pronounce the name of it anyway I covered my plants with it top and under side of leav
I sometimes use DE on the topsoil to ward off pests, but I never have applied it directly to the leaves or stem. It also adds silica so it’s beneficial when used correctly.
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