Would adding pollen to a vial of water, to apply them to pistols with a dropper, work? I was just curious about cutting down accidental cross contamination.
I just use soft paint brush in my garden. But I’m talking cucumbers and stuff.
Pretty ez just turn fan off lol
Good luck mate 👍
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Water will effectively stop the pollen from working
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Water affects the pollen rendering it ineffective!
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Water deactivates pollen.
Decided to……, is this scrogging or sea of green? I get em mixed lol Its 3 plants, and Im just spreading the canopy.
Scroggins sog is a bad of clones
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A screen of green (scrog) are large plant/s topped several times and spread out across a screen for support. A sea of green consists of many similar sized plants on a table un-topped.
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Wow, can you spot the difference in growth between oct 30th and today? This Evo3 is amazing! Thanks again @Dude !
The dudevbrings life two another grow
So nice of an upgrade awesome growth
Ok so this happened. I messaged The DGC one day about a question over shipping. We get on the subject of grow equipment and helping family with care and @Dude finds out that I have 200watts of grow light power. He says “I think i can help you increase that to 280.”
Then I get this in the beast in the mail today completely free😱
This is just… Read moreView more comments-
I am very impressed DHC.
Dude U the Man
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Sweet DGC love their
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This is why I joined! Growers helping growers!! 🤘🏼 Fuck Yes! 🤘🏼
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Bro that’s effing awesome. Happy for you bro!!! ❤️ That’s what the DGC is about man. Awesome!!!! 🙌🏼 “GROW BABY GROW”!
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Hell ya! Love to upgrade DGC Producer Grows. Your really helping your family. I say what goes around comes around!
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Is it normal for the two tops of a topped plant to stretch this much? Ever since I learned about the HopLatent viroid I worry 👉👈 lol
I am no expert on hop layton viroid but it looks good to me
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