Drying Temperature and Humidity
Awesome discussion here growers! I just wanted to recommend Waykar brand for dehumidifiers. I run this one …
155 Pints Commercial Dehumidifier with Drain Hose Industrial Dehumidif
DEHUMIDIFIER FOR SPACES UP TO 8,000 Sq. Ft: This commercial dehumidifier removes up to 155 pints (under 95°F, 90%RH condition) of moisture per day. (Please note: The max dehumidification capacity is up to 155 pints under 95°F, 90%RH working condition). … Continue reading
jgwbuds44 -
dude posted an update 6 months ago
6 months ago (edited)
I was a proud parent teaching my daughter how to water the grow while I was away. Then she texted me a picture of our dog in the grow saying “look at my helper”😱 which brought on the discussion about how bugs get into the grow……
ausstoner, jgwbuds44 and 44 others-
😬 Hopefully nothing jumped off in there. I get the look of guilt from my dog every time I enter the grow. It’s the only place I don’t allow him, and it drives him nuts lol.
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Looks like your pup peed on the left side plant, probably gonna end up with yellow tips lol…..
dude posted an update 6 months ago
Some people have a chip on their shoulder…
Reminds me of an old graphix I had back in the day with a 4.5′ acrylic tube… Needed someone else to work the carb…lol
In prevention of powdery mildew, I understand that airflow and humidity have a big role.
I see treatments for PM that recommend an acidic spray like sulfer. Down to 2.5 ph is what kills PM?
I feel that I’ve heard @Scottyreal say that the hypee ( root) of PM can’t anchor on surfaces lower than 6 or 5.8? Am I mistaken or is this a fact..
I would be worried that some of the water would evaporate and create a very low ph environment. Or it would leave high asidic residue on the surfaces in your tent that would harm anything organic. But I’m no expert I’m excited to see what happens.
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