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  • Reply to Bowl Trimmers

    I have only ever used mine to dry trim, so I can not coment on how the bowl trimmer handles wet material.

    They take a bit of trail and error to use right, it is not something easily explained, but you have to feel out the right amount of turns and the best speed to get the result you want. I also like to reversed direction with the half…

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  • Bowl Trimmers

    Awhile back I bought a large bowl trimmer at an auction for like $8. I didn’t know if I’d use it but couldn’t pass up the deal. Now after logging many hours trimming by hand I’m seriously considering it. What are your thoughts on using it? What’s your process? What are the pro’s and con’s?

  • When you guys/girls make RSO do you decarb then soak or does decarboxylation happen while purging, thanks! (Looking to solely use this for edible purposes)

    • That’s how I make all my chocolates.

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    • farmville (edited)

      It depends on what process you will be doing to extract your solvent back out. If you have equipment to do so like a rotovap, because of the low temperatures under vacuum pressure no decarboxylation will happen. While on the other hand if you went the more open system to get your solvent out like using a rice cooker you will get to a high…

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  • Reply to Nice, free seeds

    I know what you’re saying bro but unfortunately you can’t clone the Autoflower that’s why it’s where genetics go to die you have a killer Pheno and you probably won’t ever see it again!

  • Hey there DGC,

    Something has been on my mind. When learning how to dry trim off the worldwide interwebs i read other peoples rates for trimming were a lb per 4 hours which equates to a zip every 15 minutes. Is anyone else reaching these insane speeds? Or am i just the only one who thinks theyre insane.

    Ive started using gloves that sped…

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    • I’m seriously tempted to make a mini wood chipper than you can feed dried untrimmed plants and get perfect ground flower out of. 😂😂😂

      • Shortlife (edited)

        I am normally pullng around three to four Pounds a run.

        The trim hell became too much for me so I devised a new system.

        First I hang the plants whole and remove most of the fan leave quickly and without caring to get everything.

        Then I let them get most of the way dry. Trim any left over Fan Leaves and buck all the Flowers of the stems into…

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      • Yeah that sounds crazy fast. I guess it depends on how leafy the plant is and how many you can remove before hanging. I ran out of space in the dry tent and had to use one of the multi level mesh racks recently. I did a heavy wet trim and no dry trimming at all…

        • Bud structure and calyx to leaf ratio determine how time consuming the process is. Organizational skills will come in to play. Unorganized people take forever to do anything. Hours per pound is not the best example of efficiency with so many variables but 4-6 hours is standard for a pound.

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