• HELP!!

      Today I went over to my brothers to check out his new grow using Grow Dots.

      As we were looking at the newly potted plants I asked him what he used to measure the Dots with. He smiled and said I used the Tablespoon and put in 9 per plant in a 3 gallon fabric pot!

      I looked at him and said dumb ass you were only to use 3 Tablespoons per pot in a 3 gallon.

      So my question is there a way to fix this or should he just trash it and start all over? Yea I big waste of Dots and Coco but I don’t see that he has any other choice right?

      He just transplanted the 5 Clones today so what do you think I should tell him what to do?

      Talk about a stoner moment my gawd what a screw up this is!

      bgsixxx and unclee
      • He can pull out the clones and remove a little more than half the container of coco/Grow Dots and cut it with fresh coco in a 3 gallon pot or he can get a bigger pot (5-7 gallon) and mix in more coco. First option will waste some Dots but your clones should be fine.

        • Wow what a shit storm!

          Thanks for the idea J. So what we ended up doing was we pulled the clones out of the 3 gallon pots and put them into a 1 gallon thinking there would be a teaspoon or less of Dots in each pot.

          Went to Hydro store and they were out of the canna coco so I had him get the canna bricks from Amazon that will be here tomorrow. Then I’ll have him do as you suggested by cutting in new coco.

          Did I say little brothers are a pain in the arse lol. I did honestly feel bad for him cuz when I got there he was a happy camper thinking he done so good before I had to pop his bubble with bad news. I’m the one who gifted him the Grow Dots and clones last week never did I imagine this would happen.

          Anyways thanks again for your help it’s really appreciated.

          • Glad I could help. We all make mistakes when learning something new. At least you caught the error right away and no harm was done to the clones. +1 for Scotty’s Grow Dots. Had he seriously over-mixed instantly available nutrition the clones could of been hurt. Media is replaceable. Some genetics might not be.

          • You should whip his ass
