• I have been using a new sprayer that has an electric pump to water my plants. I have noticed a kind of egg smell coming from the water that comes out of it. I looked it up and it says it from sulfur gas and that it is harmless to plants( find that hard to believe) but I was wondering if anyone else has ran into this issue and if there’s anything I can do so I can continue to use the sprayer it’s a definite time saver to have?

      • I’ve had that issue with various jugs I used for watering. Apart from the malordorous funk, I’ve not seen any problems, but there’s way better minds than mine on here.

        • Some well water will have sulfur. It’s not usually a problem as it’s an essential element. There’s no need to filter free nutrients like calcium, magnesium and sulfur unless the ppm is above 250.

          • @jmystro so the water I’m using is filtered through an RO buddy and I add 2 to 3 ounces activated EM1 and some Mr fulvic. Ph 6-7. I’ve been using a fermented peach extract about once a week also. The smell only comes after it’s ran through my sprayer and I read it could be sulfur gas building up. First run using the sprayer. Only issue I’ve had is some curling on top leaves and slight yellowing almost looks like a iron deficiency, but also it’s the only plant that shot all the way to the lights so hope it’s just light stressing it. Sorry kinda got off track there but was just wanting to make sure that the egg smell from the sprayer wasn’t the problem or anything I was worried it was anaerobic bacteria, causing the smell.

        • Try aerating your water before putting it in the sprayer if you’re on a well you can put a garden hose from your house under the cap , flowing into the well and turning it on the splashing breaks the surface tension of the water in the well and lets the sulfur gas release…