• Can anyone tell me what’s happening to one branch on my plant? Everything about this one branch is different. I’m in flower or I would just cut it off. Thanks in advance

      tjrez and danknuggardens
      • Have you been letting this plant mostly dry out before watering… could have a touch of root rot starting in an area… just a guess

        • @ol-no-7 She’s outside in a 100+ degree temps. Watered twice a day @ 3am & 3pm. She’s definitely drying back a bit before the afternoon watering. Usually when I get home they have a bit of droop until they get watered. Now she is the closest to the fence with the most radiant heat at that branch. I have two other plants with no symptoms.

          • @diegorootsman I would find a better spot she’s probably getting cooked… I was a roofer for 25 years and if it’s 100+ outside those rocks and that fence are in the 130- 160 degree range, maybe a shade cloth for future grows in that area if that’s all you got… as far as the individual branch goes the plant has already tuned it out and is going along without it , personally I would leave it because the rest of the plant seems content with sacrificing one branch for the good of the rest… cutting it off may cause another problem of it’s own just my observation.

        • Root rot or pests chewing on roots. Neither is good. Time to do some root inspection.

          • @jmystro How would I do that? She’s in flower now and in a 20 gallon plastic pot. This is my second grow outdoors and lots to learn.

            • @diegorootsman I’d dig down a few inches and grab some soil to visually inspect the roots and smell them for any foul smell. You’ll need a scope to check for tiny pests not visible to the naked eye. Only other thing that could make a branch dud would be from a viroid.

            • diegorootsman (edited)

              @jmystro Bro you’re every bit the encyclopedia of cannabis that the DGC show made you out to be. I constantly see you helping all of us with your knowledge. So if I dig down and find nothing funky or foul smelling with the roots and no pest with my scope, how would I deal with a dud branch? Thanks again bro

              • @diegorootsman I’d want to know why the branch is being neglected if it’s a plant I care about. Is this plant a clone from genetics you’ve grown multiple times? Neglected branches usually wilt from a root issue. A viroid will cause the branch to do stupid shit like not produce any trichomes. The question is, how well do you know this plant? If it’s a root issue, cut it and go on with your life but if it’s a viroid, you can spread it to all your plants. Where did this plant come from?

              • @jmystro It’s a clone from my last indoor grow. I gave it to a growmie to try. He had success. I kept a cut to see what it would do outdoors. If it’s a viroid issue will it pass along to my other outdoor plants? Can I cut it off the plant or do I need to chop the whole plant. The rest of the plant is moving along nicely. Can I pass the viroid to my indoor veg tent? What precautions should I take between the two grows?
