• Today is day 43 of flower. Hit her with 3 tsp of Recharge in 2.5 gallons of water split between top and bottom 2 days ago. The lights are where they will be for the rest of the grow. My math gives me about 900par at the closest buds. In the 600-700s down below. I’m going to water in some food in another 4 days. What would you feed her assuming I’ve got another 3 to 4 weeks left…or should I just ride it out with Recharge and a little cal/mag? Just a reminder the last time I grew was forever ago. The game is soooooo much different now…lol. I need some tutelage from someone with a good eye….lol

      danknuggardens, tjrez and 2 others
      • How is nutrition currently being provided and how often?

        • @jmystro
          The soil is 30% miracle grow, 30% peat and the rest is plain cheap organic raised bed soil with some charred rice hulls mixed in. I have been feeding Terp Tea 3-7-4. I did a heavy top dress 3 weeks ago of terp tea and worm castings. The last feeding was 7 days ago . Most of the castings and tea have watered into the soil now.

          • @. You should be able to get away with one more watering with the 3-7-4 then plain water until harvest.

            • @jmystro Thanks. I appreciate your thoughts. Do you think a touch of cal/mag would be a bad thing? I haven’t given her any dedicated cal/mag at all. I am leaning towards giving her a little and see how she likes it. I am sad I didn’t buy Recharge sooner, I can see a difference in the last couple of days. This is my last question today I promise…lol

            • @Nvr2old Calcium is the absolute last thing you want to over use as it antagonizes 7 different elements (locking them out) while most elements might have 1 or 2 antagonisms. Never supplement any element unless the plant is showing deficiencies. Your plants are not lacking calcium or magnesium.

        • I know, I know,,,miracle grow…lol