Ideas on cause? Nothing in my toxicity/deficiency charts match. Happens on all 4 DWC plants. EC about 1.8 PPM 915. Week 3&4 of flower. PH of water fluctuates between 5.8-6.2. GH Flora trio plus 5ml/gal of CalMag.
That looks like a splatter pattern. Were they sprayed? Was anything sprayed near them?
@GuppyGirl they did get their final IPM done about a week ago, but I did it 5 minutes before lights out and then of course they had 12 hours of darkness before the lights came back on. I thought the same thing to be honest but it just doesn’t make sense to mean that the only ones with the damage are in the dwc buckets The soil plants that are in there that were also sprayed did not show any burns
It does look like some oil was dripped on them. I’d also say the pH is a bit high for water culture. Keep it between 5.5 and 5.8. They will perform best with minor pH fluctuations. Be wary of wide swings.
@jmystro Why the lower pH for water culture?
@Papa_Shaman Inert/no media pH should be 5.5-5.8, coco 5.8-6.2, soil 6.5-7. These are the ranges you should be in for the minerals to be the most available. The reasons have to do with temperature, solubility and cation/anion exchange. Life in the soil creates an acidic environment so you can get away with neutral water.
@jmystro Thank ya, I’m in coco at 6.5, so I’ll get it down a bit. I’m new to hydro. My water out of the tap is over 7 after adding Jerin’s secret sauce recipe it’s 6.5, so I wasn’t adding any pH down. Should I shoot for 6 and take whats in the range?
@Papa_Shaman 6 is pretty perfect for coco.