• Finally using my dots and canna coco with Paloma nights. So while I wait for the new beans to arrive i figured might as well ask now. Been watching everyone with their dots.

      Fabric 3 and 5 gal ACI pots, bottom watering(wicking) with Dots and Recharge.

      1) So with the bottom wicking and it keeping the coco moist, does it stay lower for the lower roots to drink as needed or does it saturate the entire media and wont that keep the dots releasing nutrients but also even more when given the water/recharge 1x a week?

      2) Also what I’ve noticed is, does it just seem like a little much when they are young but they grow into the nutrient level and it works out obviously accompanied with time release?

      Just curious because I haven’t seen this question asked yet @scottyreal unless I missed that part somewhere. I know the process(easy button) and minimal needed for success but was just curious as to that little part. I only say that because people thinking they’re younger seedlings going into veg are getting a toxicity for possibly being a little much at that growth stage.

      Sorry if i was all over the place. Tried to keep the question contained.

      oldestschool and carolinapothead
      • I try and get the grow dots a few inches away from where the younger roots would be. This give the plant a chance to grow to the food. I have noticed some plants don’t like the wet feet with the canna coco. My pots will which the whole 12 inches vertically. If I put them bone dry in a couple inches of water within an hour the surface is hydrated. For the plants that don’t want as wet of feet I’ve found chunkier coco to be a little bit better. I use scietetics it’s a little more than canna but I find the canna bricks to have a lot of the finer pith that tends to water log.

        • @durbsgreen the canna brick is what I have. My biggest issue is over watering then the dry back so some kind of bottom watering, it is dry here even in the winter and everything drys out. I found those little screen separators for watering and saw that running some rope on those inside of a catch tray for an easy one. I just wanted to make sure the media wouldn’t stay too damp. If I left it on sale the AC Infinity watering bases and that make the dots continuously release or if I’m thinking a little far into it lol

          • @SurfDad_grows I can’t attest to how fast it would grease the nutrients but it’s the same concept as the real buckets. I found that a canna coco fabric pot will drink up way more than they need. Now if the plants huge for the pot that’s not necessarily true. I’ve run autos in a bottom watter coco/growdots with little to no nitrogen burn.

            • @durbsgreen that’s where I think I was at limbo. With the fabric I’ll just put a little down for it to wick up and not a continuous or large amount also then it gets the rest from the top that 1x a week.

              If the dots more towards the middle to top then that wouldn’t matter so much then they get fed from the top and the moisture won’t wick as high. I think amounts is the key word to find the sweet spot. I mean, this will be easier than using my three part with Cal mag from general hydroponics and that was the point. Save time on nutrients.
