• What do you feel is more important, THC or Terpenes?

      • Terps to feed your needs or others if your helping friends. Diff terps are for diff needs I feel. There’s more science behind it that I couldn’t put in words.

        • Now that I’m growing my own, as long as the THC is there, I’m growing for TERPS.

          The best smoking/tasting weed without THC though is a bust for me

          • Want to try growing some AC\DC strain, it’s high in cbd. Don’t probably have room in my tent because I have read most strech, try outside next year. Great body buzz. I like most if close to balanced indica \ sativa like LSD .

          • As I get older I seem to be losing my tolerance or my growing is getting better. 🤣 but I find myself wanting a great tasting smoke. Almost how some folks enjoy a great tasting wine, or a great Cigar. I just want a great tasting joint after dinner.

            • Gotta have both or it’s caveman weed imo

              • I feel like it can be compared to Horsepower in cars… you can have a 1500hp car (30% THC) but if your suspension and tyres aren’t set up properly (terpines and minor cannabinoids) you won’t gain traction and won’t go very fast (get very high or feel like a full bodied high)… where’s you could have a 800-1000hp (22-25% THC) car with a properly dialled in suspension and tyres that will go way faster simply because it can get the power to the ground (has the necessary terpines and minor cannabinoids)….

                • For medicinal purposes I’m looking for certain terps in high quantities and in a perfect world I’m trying to match with just the right amount of thc to enhance! When I smoke z I feel like that flavor has become such a staple in my routine that I almost don’t even notice the effects! That taste is so overwhelming it brings me to a place that I’m just OK if that makes any sense

                  • Cannasota (edited)

                    different terps steers the thc into different channels of the body is a good way to look at it. Plain thc is always the same blan high. Thc+terps, give you different unique highs/experiences for different needs like sleep, focus ect.. I truly feel the different experiences come from the different terps and the thc heightens the experience you are getting from the terps

                    • THC is the “Driver” and CBD, Teps and flavonoids are the ‘Car” they arrive in. Basically, the speed of arrival, comfort, flavor and just about everything else in the experience is in the entourage effect
