• Before I flipped to flower. I pulled clones from my Barney’s Farm Blue sunset sherbet and Acapulco gold. Rooted them put them outside they grew a few weeks then all of a sudden the Acapulco started flowering and is at full speed. The sunset is still vegging along normally. Was it the slight change in light going from 18-6 in the tent to a slightly shorter light cycle outside. I harvest my tent soon and was thinking about putting them back in tent an continuing the flower. I was thinking if i let it go it might start to reveg. Any thoughts thanks DGC

      mikekenneth12, shabbas_vault and 2 others
      • I haven’t done a reveg, but if they getting more than 12 hours of sun outside, I would think they would want to.

        Keeping it outside could get you some gnarly jumping in-between stages buds

        • Laz

          @goodguycanna yeah I think that’s what I’d do too. Just see what happens and then you’d know.

          • @Laz i like to see with my own eyes too.

            somebody here can confirm the answer with what’s going to happen.

            Maybe nothing cool. Maybe they produce one epic seed.

            • Laz

              @goodguycanna no doubt. I think you’re on the right track asking. Sorry I’m not very knowledgeable. I’m probably way off but I would wonder if they were A: stressed into flowering with the move or B: maybe not as likely they have some auto/ fast bud genetics that they just choose to express.

            • @Laz yeah, love this community with their knowledge pimps! No gate keeping info.

              Was the plant hardened off?

          • I’ll keep you guys posted

            • It really depends on where you live. There is no veg where I live. Put a plant outside and it will flower. Most cannabis plants will begin flowering when the dark period lasts between 7-8 hours. That’s about 16-17 hours of light a day. I only get 14 hours of sun a day and that’s not enough to stay in veg. She will flower with less than 10 hours of darkness a day. She doesn’t require 12-12 to flower.

              • @jmystro is 12/12 for flower (indoors) then just the trigger and failsafe to keep them in flower?

                I would imagine strain dependent; but would indoors benefit from a 12/12 change to a 14/10 or whatever was long as it stays in flower?

                • 12-12 schedule indoors is used because most commercial varieties will finish in about 8 weeks under this schedule. There is nothing to stop you from using a 13-11 or 11-13 schedule. Anything that takes 10 week+ will be on an 11-13 schedule in my flower room for example. The transition to flower outdoors takes months so plants have time to build structure. We could do this indoors but space is always a limiting factor. The transition to flower is the most important time to build a strong base to hold heavy buds. Never rush it with plants with low vigor. By all means speed it up with a plant that has hyper vigor. Some equatorials can take six months to flower because they live their entire life under a 12-12 schedule at the equator so they have to use the transitional time to veg.

                • Plants stay in veg or flower based on hormone ratios between auxins (mainly produced during the day in the leaves to be sent down to the roots) and cytokinins (produced mainly at night in the roots to be sent up to the leaves). If one is 50%, the other is 50%. If one is 48%, the other is 52%. They both will equal 100%. Auxin dominance promotes vegetative growth. Cytokinin dominance induces flowering. To speed up or slow down these processes involves the manipulation of these hormones.

              • I’m north of Chicago

              • Just realized that tomorrow is the longest day of the year so there really shouldn’t be any issues with the days getting shorter guess I just got a lucky early flower

                • Or you have a autoflower.lol