• Let’s talk container size/ media/ watering on next weeks show! How big are your pots? How many gallons? How long of a veg? How often do you water? How big of yields? What’s the smallest container size for organics? Best comments featured on next weeks show 🙂

      Shibbadabbadoo315, Caster and 10 others
      • Irie Genetics Cherry Goat

        5gal geopot autopot

        BuildaSoil Light

        This pic was taken right before flip. 7 weeks since sprout.

        I flipped her yesterday.

        • This is my first ever grow. My answer to all questions, anything beyond germination and planting is, “Please teach me, Sensei!” (BOW)

        • My first post on the app. First place to show and tell my first serious grow of my own. Trainwreck fem photo

          50 gal rubber tote per plant. 2 plants

          custom living soil.

          Hand water various amounts… 1.5 or 2 gallons 1 day.. wait a day or two.. water 1/2 gallon or 1 gallon.. lol..always 1 hour before lights out

          Lighting schedule:

          Start seed at 14 on 10 off

          Every 12th day add 30 minutes of light.

          Reach 16 on 8 off, then start decreasing light 30 minutes every 12th day until ripe..

          The total cycle should be 168-180 days

          Only autos get 18 hrs of sun naturally. Siberia ruderals ( correct me if I’m wrong)

          Sealed room ( half ass)

          1450 center ppm co2 from tanks

          High temps and humidity

          I ph my custom humidifier water down to less than 5.8 ( prevents hyphe of PM To root? I think)

          Temps and humidity will be lowered towards end

          Also, custom-built t5/led light array to mimmic sun position 7 fixtures 7 timers.

          I run uvb and a during the whole cycle except early veg. The sun does this also.

          Bulbs change the spectrum throughout the cycle ( morphology)

          Topped only once.

          Thanks for allowing me to share, it’s not the normal set-up.

        • Highest possible yield and quality is only achievable when the root biomass is equal to or greater than the vegetative biomass. High yields are possible with a limited root mass with high mineral availability, but yield would be even higher with more roots. Roots need O2, ions and acids. The highest performance systems allow for the maximum availability of these variables with the least amount of work required by the plant. High to low performance starts with fogponics, aeroponics, inert mediums, water culture, soilless, amended soils and living soil.

        • diegorootsman (edited)

          First grow using the BAS methodology and products. Octopot 7 gallon pots with 3 gallon reservoirs each “ bottom wicking pots”. Hand watering Recharge weekly. Orca and silica biweekly in the reservoir. Harvested about a half pound a plant with 1 1/2 months of veg. Humboldt Seed Company Blueberry Cupcake, Vanilla Frosting and Ethos Genetics Crescendo

            • First off I’m sorry this is winded. Always try to keep it short, but never fn can!

              I’m a fan of uppotting. Starting in solo cup, going to 2s, then 5s if needed, or strait to final pot. Use to finish with 10s and 15s with top dress and biobizz, organic style. Would run a 7-9 week veg, and would average a little over 4 ounces ounces per plant. Biggest plant was close to 6, smallest at just under 3.

              Now I run 7s, same style, but with a 4-6 week veg. Solo, 2 gal, finish in the 7s. I’d say my average on ounce per plant dropped some. It’s close to like 3.5 ounces. Largest, was just last run, at 4.5. Smallest was close to 2.5.

              During veg I water a little less, and more often. During flower a little more, and less often. Kind of…

              First off, I never achieve runoff. How much I water, really depends on a few things. How rooted in the plant is compared to pot size, how heavy the pot is (longer/shorter dry back), and which stage of growth I’m in. At any transplant I’m usually using like 10% volume of water, compared to pot size. Depends how wet it is out of the bag. I like to saturate the entire pot. So a 7 gal watered at 10% volume would be .35 gallons of solution. In veg I try to stick to around 5% volume, and in flower around 10.

              So in veg I’m trying to water every other day or 2. In flower it’s more like every 3, sometimes 4, near the end. My soil is heavy with mulch on top. Added biochar, pumice, and rice hulls, really help with even moisture and oxygen in a heavy soil. Which I’m always trying to keep moist.

              This has worked well for me. Putting number to my watering practices really helped me gage how much water to add and when. Although, the numbers wouldn’t have helped a whole lot, if I wasn’t constantly picking up my pots and gaging my plants. Now it’s like second nature.

              • skalez420 (edited)

                Six 3gal pots using soil, grow dots without a doubt. Watering once a week or every 5 or so days with recharge. @scottyreal Shoutout to you Scotty you’re changing lives. Five weeks in flower not sure what to expect on yield. Trying to focus more on the quality and seeing if the saying less is more is truly a thing.

                • Garden without a name on Instagram has some pictures of a massive autoflower in a cup 😅

                  • Serious skill!

                    • I use 5, 3 gallon tall, and 1 gallon fabric pots depending on my style of grow and what I’m trying to accomplish. Small pots for pheno hunts, breeding, or SCROG. I keep my soil in a 77 gallon tote that basically always stays full because I reuse my soil.

                      I’ll veg 6-8 weeks in most cases, but a lot depends on the timing in my tents. If a Haze is in flower, I might veg other plants for a long while and train heavy while they’re waiting to hit the flower tent. I like to run autos in 3 gallons and fill spaces with them in my grow – veg and flower tent, doesn’t matter, they’re autos.

                      Yeild depends on genetics, light and how I feed. Some plants just don’t yeild more than a few ounces.

                      Watering happens when the pots feel light.

                      • tjrez (edited)

                        I usually go with 1 or 3 gals.I use three gals for a majority of my grows unless im going to do a phenohunt or hash run then i use 1 gals and I fill the tent with them . My Veg depends on the size of the tent but usually I go with 4-6 weeks of veg time tho . I prefer seeds and rarely do cloning unless its a pheno Im trying to save . As for water it seems the 1 gals need watering daily once they get established where as the three gals seem to average 2 times a week. In the smaller tents the yields are smaller . The 3 gallons produce anywhere between 2 -4 oz depending on veg time and the 1 gals usually top at 1.5 oz at most . When I run the 1 gals I run 12/12 right off the bat tho . I was running organics and making AACT but now Im running growdots and recharge and my house dont smell like compost tea and shit anymore 😉