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  • Profile photo of looplife

    looplife posted an update in the group Group logo of Ask a Grow QuestionAsk a Grow Question a week ago

    a week ago

    not complaining but do you ever think your girls or say autos some of them are growing a bit slowerlike i think im already in the second month but mybe i should change the time i say i sprouted them ? instead of germination timing as well added make sense ?

    BigDawg615, Otavious Nickerson and ol-no-7
    • I don’t count germination as part of the grow schedule… as a matter of fact I don’t count the first week after that because they have their own nutrients in the seed. A lot of variables can stunt the growth of a seedling from the get go..

      • I’m running autos from mephisto genetics, they refer to the days between sprout and veg as “zero days.”

        The clock technically doesn’t start for them until they’ve hit their second or third node.

        This run of deez nuggs I’m doing now…

        Seeds got put in water 20 days ago. Germinated seeds got put into soil (well coco choir, but yea) 17 days ago.


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      • I’ve heard multiple breeders on on podcasts say day one is the day you plant the seed. That’s when I start counting.

        But I also only use the breeders flowering times as a very very rough estimate.

        Your environment…lighting, nutrients, temps, humidity etc.. will change the timing….

      • Profile photo of GuppyGirl

        GuppyGirl posted an update in the group Group logo of Ask a Grow QuestionAsk a Grow Question a week ago

        a week ago (edited)

        Can y’all explain autos to me? I’m not sure if I understand what’s different about them from other seeds. Can you get seeds from an auto by selfing (Edit: not welding, lol)? Why can’t you clone one?

        Otavious Nickerson, laz and newgrowerinMN
        • Autos have a set lifecycle that is not dependent on how much light they get. They will grow from seed through flower in almost any lighting condition. Photos follow the seasons and veg during the longer sunlight of the spring and summer and flower during the shorter days, starting usually about mid-August. Indoor, we mimick an 18 hour on and…

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          • Autoflower seeds are one and done. No cloning.

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          • Welding and fish. Let’s go on a date!!! I love my Betas!!

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          • I just realized I didn’t even answer all of your questions here 😅 my apologies.

            As far as welding goes, I’m assuming that you’re talking about grafting part of a male onto a female plant in the hopes of getting seeds without as much pollenating abilities..? If this is what you’re referring to, or something similar, then my answer is…

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        • For you guys and gals looking for something to water your plants while you are away for a few days. I took my AC Infinity self watering pots and modified it to accept a 30oz water bottle to allow a few more days before watering. It will give me 5 days before refill.

          Gary Williams, wholebunchanumbers and 8 others
          • Interesting. Could it in theory be connected to a reservoir?

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          • Can these be used outside do they have say 5 gallon ones also u use bags or plastic ?

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        • Profile photo of looplife

          looplife posted an update in the group Group logo of Ask a Grow QuestionAsk a Grow Question a week ago

          a week ago

          i got like big ass daddy long legs all brown skinny legs on my plants will they do any harm or damage ? i put DE all over my leaves and the soil yet these lil guys i dont like spiders yet they love the weed lol

          Otavious Nickerson, Eran Haba and 2 others
          • I would say keep webbing to a minimum, they’ll eat pests. Can’t get away from house spiders. Embrace but regulate what they offer. I leave a couple around and they stay happy and me too.

            • right on bro he is safe for now lol

            • Profile photo of skunksax

              skunksax posted an update in the group Group logo of Ask a Grow QuestionAsk a Grow Question a week ago

              a week ago

              Anybody know what this shiny stuff on the veins is? It was only on 2 leaves. I got rid of them already just curious.

              • It looks like salt, are you using foliar spray? What nutes are you using?

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              • Could be hard water or something you’re spraying on the leaves since it’s characteristically pooling in the dips of the leaf.

                • Not sure what that speck is….looks like a young mite, but could just be nothing.

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              • Profile photo of burky62

                burky62 posted an update in the group Group logo of Ask a Grow QuestionAsk a Grow Question a week ago

                a week ago

                I have a 2x2x4 + a 2x4x5 in the corner of both tents. I put a led Wal-Mart grow lights vertically along support, held in place with Velcro and zip ties to help get rid of shadows. Keep on same timer as main lights.

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