Float tech germination

  • Smokalottapotamus

    January 6, 2025 at 2:16 am
    DGC Producer

    I’ve never used it myself. I’ve always done the paper towel in a ziploc. I know a lot of others that do both. They’ll float it for 24-36hrs, and then put it in the paper towel. Do what works best and is most convenient for your grow.

  • broncogrow

    January 6, 2025 at 3:52 am
    Free Membership

    Best way for me. Put in shot glass dark spot I check every day once I get a 1/4 or so tap root into the soil. Have to be delicate of course. I think key is they have to float. If they sink take them out and go to plan b. I believe the idea is if they are floating the top of seed has oxygen. If they were to sink and stay in water they would drown. I used to do towel method but I would either forget and let dry out or maybe get too wet. Good luck happy growing

  • Frank_White

    January 8, 2025 at 2:05 pm
    Free Membership

    It has worked for me, but only with really fresh seeds. I feel like it’s the safest way if you don’t have a heat mat you can control the temps of. Lost alot of money, fried alot of beans with a heat mat that only has 1 temp in a paper towel.

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