Simplest way to get Co2 to my plants
When everything in your grow is dialed in and want to supplement CO2, it’s about consistency. You need a CO2 controller to make any difference. Without a way to control the levels, you’re wasting time and money. CO2 boosts are not helpful. Plants produce a certain number of stomata on a leaf depending on CO2 levels to be efficient. If CO2…
shibbadabbadoo315, paka and 5 others -
In nature when winter is soon to come, plants produce and release ethylene gas as a chemical signal to other plants near by to hurry up and finish. It’s one way they communicate. Short of gassing our room at the end, New mill made a product that promotes the synthesis of ethylene. There are many enzymes, hormones, proteins and amino acids…
shibbadabbadoo315, seedpoppa and 2 others -
Dry? Fresh frozen material is not dried and doesn’t need to be stored. Freeze it, then process it.
Winter Frost has nothing to do with triggering any cold response. Winter Frost aids in senescence so it must have ingredients involved in the biosynthesis of ethylene. You’re not bottling ethylene gas so if I was going to formulate a product like Winter Frost it would have some ethylene precursors like Ethephon and ACC.
Ethephon – …
sasquatchimo -
65-68F is the ideal temperature range like paka mentioned. Soil temp can drastically affect microbe populations.
Comparison of temperature effects on soil respiration and bacterial and fungal growth rates - PubMed
Temperature is an important factor regulating microbial activity and shaping the soil microbial community. Little is known, however, on how temperature affects the most important groups of the soil microorganisms, the bacteria and the fungi, in situ. We have therefore … Continue reading
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