Going to be spending a lot of time in Cape Coral in the foreseeable future! Looking forward to meeting new growmies from the other end of the country!
minnesotanice, TheRealJoeShoe and surfdad_grows -
ohigrow posted an update a week ago
Cookie Apple OG F1 auto (Seedsman). Day 30 from seed. I can’t believe how fast these are developing. Gonna move them into the 2×4 in a few days.
tjrez, broncogrow and 7 others-
Dude I fuck with Seedsman alotta people hate but I get some bangers
1 -
Looking Good 👍
They’ll flower at 14/10 in many cases, 13/11 is still flower lighting. I don’t understand what the point of the break in the night cycle is for?
A small clone/seedling can not drink very much water. No matter the container size. About 98-99% of the water they pull up through their roots is released back into the air through their leaves. Limiting root space limits plant structure. Branches form thin instead of gaining girth after becoming rootbound. Yield comes from stem thickness.…
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